Friday, September 7, 2012

I heard he like, biked to the moon or something like that

Sept 6, 2012
BTHIHT- Night School Edition- UVU becomes a different monster after dark, like werewolves, or Conan O. Brian. I am in the halls for much less time, but the decrease in time is offset by the increase in "interesting people".

Bro 1- “dude did you hear, Neil Armstrong was like doping or something and totally died.”
Person of Average Intelligence- “I’m pretty sure you mixed up a few different stories
there champ.”

(really hipster looking chick) I believe it was Betty Ford who said “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” (Author’s Note, it wasn’t)

Dude 1- As your bro, I support you, but I’m obligated to tell you that she is a soft 6, at best.
Dude 2- Yeeeeaah, I know, but do I look like I am in any position to be picky? (Author’s Note, he didn’t)

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